//heart skip a beat.

heyho there ! welcome to my blog, follow or just leave from here..thanks

Long time no see amigos :)
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 | 6:57 PM | 1 blackmail
Assalamualaikum n hello everibadihhhh! :)

Its been a long long long LONGGGGGG time we havent meet. I mean. yeahh. its about MONTHS. Half a year maybe? LOL So, How r u guys doin? Fine ? So am i . Im happy as always still alive in this TEMPORARY EARTH :)

 Now im WORKING! After being a student at INSTITUT PROFESIONAL BAITULMAL for 1 and a HALF YEAR. i took CAT that is under ACCA. Something about account thingy. But , we do LEARN TAXATION, COSTING AND FINANCE. See. Theres a lot you need to learn when you wanna be a SUCCESFUL accountant! Ooo jyeahh! one of my dream. Cuz i heard that an accountant or an auditor can make A LOT OF MONEY. yeahhh A LOTTT! But after u FINISHED the ACCA thing lah. Lol.  for this moment, after i COMPLETED my CAT, i got my DIPLOMA in ACCOUNTING and BUSINESS. Four CERTIFICATES about accounts. Foundation in taxation and  Foundation on Finance are the examples of that 4 certificates. total i got 5 CERTIFICATES for ONE AND A HALF YEAR STUDIES. ALHAMDULILAH. And incoming, i'll get another ONE certicate about MANAGING ACCOUNTING i think. about costing thingy. waaa . Cant believe that i've completed my further study in Diploma Level. Now, insya-Allah im finding for a SUITABLE college or university for my Degree level. Insya-Allah i'll take ACCA :) Aminn for me :)

Well, at first, i was like, " erghh. should i get in to this college n took cat course? " But since i got scholarship for whole semester, so, i just took the chance of it. STRUGGLES for one and a half year who knows? The people who doesnt take the course can say lah " Allaaa kamu untunglah 1 tahun setengah , Kacang ja tu. tup2 dapat DIP ". Well HELLO! Just try by yourself. yalaa . i know lah u guys a SUPER BRILLIANT not like me. Anak2 kampung sahaja. HAHAHA . Cut the crap! -.- Actually, this course has NO CARRY MARK. i repeat, NO CARRRYYYYY MARKKKKKK. See, how hard is it . For others Diploma, they have carry mark. SOb Sob Sob. Can feel the struggles we had faced? Totaaly insane okayyy! Have to read books just for 6 months then EXAM? Whatttttt o.O I even failed for one paper that is FAB, actually many of us DO FAILED  that paper. Since it is totally THEORY! THEORY? Its was like HISTORY okayy! Im very lazy in reading. LOL

Before i get back to LABUAN, i went to a college that is KASTURI COLLEGE to repeat the paper. and FYI, the paper cost rm 360. But i took the one using online exam. Since our course is an INTERNATIONAL COURSE in UK originally. I Passed! Alhamdulilah. See, EXPENSIVE RIGHT? -.-
What can i do.

Then i have to wait about 2 months for my third sem that is the LAST semester results. Few weeks ago i got it and PASSED the THREE PAPERS. SO, Automatically i've completed my CAT course! ALHAMDULILAH. And maybe among the 50++ students took cat in ipb, only 3 or 4 students completed that time.im very THANKFUL cuz one of them.

Afterall, im still keep thinking about proceeding my DEGREE level. But insya-Allah :) Pray for me that i make a RIGHT DECISION. Thank you .

Thats all, Adiosss Assalamualaikum :)

Welcoming the FRESH FROM OVEN year 2013 :)
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 | 12:53 AM | 0 blackmail

Assalamualaikum to all readers and 2013

2013 suda la -.- Alhamdulilah we still live in this world. got to breath the fresh air in labuan :)

The picture up there was taken last year. it sounds so LONNGGGG Time ago right. actually it was taken last night. HAHAHA

The other pictures will be uploaded on FACEBOOK. 

SO, let me tell you about what i wished for 2013

1.WORK. money please come to momma mia :)
2.Happy life than last year. its not like im not that happy last year. just hopin for better :)
3. Got to make my parents proud :)
4. Pray Pray Pray
5. GOOD WOMEN! Hahaha not girl anymore. since im leavin the TEEN and end up with the TY behind the age of  mine that is TWENTY. LOL
6. my OWN car
7. planning for my WEDDING :) But not yet know the year.
8. Talk nicely. cuz i was like a GIANT talker before. :D
9. Plays guitar and improve in that
10. Sing and gettin better with that in get into many competition as many as i can.
11. Sleep early :D
12. TALLER please :)
13, SPORTSSSSSSSSSSSSS! since my dad bought for me the sports stuff. oo yeahhhh! :D

SO, it end up like this. i got my 13 wishes for 2013 :)
xoxo guys :)

Love, MIA 

Friday, June 8, 2012 | 10:31 PM | 0 blackmail
assalmualaikum & HAlOO (versi jozan dalam lawak ker der) ;p

Cau an .Pagi . Siang .
Ops! Rupanya dah TENGAHHARI .
Wau! Punya mantap! HAHAHA
KERNA semalam TAK dapat tido.SEMALAM? Or should i say SUBUH =.= "
Balik rumah kul 2 pagi nak  dekat jam3  . Pg mana? UPTOWN la doee . ( trip ter doe2 g ) ;D
UPTOWN? macam pasar malam baa . aa . yala . pasar malam . d  KIIL pnggil UPTOWN.
Best! jalan punya jalan tak sedar jam 1 lebih . Perghh! That is what we call KIILLL .Mmg tak sedar jalan punya jalan, ianye telah memakan masa yang banyak nye pun .Tak percya  ? ( Vesi Jozan dlm LAWAK KER DER gik ) :p try laaa . come2 mali KUALA LUMPUR . Ibu kota kiterrr yaiii! :ppp

Piranha?  Waa! Tau ka anda ? last year kot yg ada crita tu gak . ni kira sambungan dia laa. PIRANHA 3DD
SINOPSIS ? First its 18sx Boys and Girls ! HAHA. Mkasudnya  . ada SCENE BEBEH2 . Astaghfirulazimmm . :D bukan trip alim .tapi mmg alim pun .  ( Tak malu punya author) :D
Stop the crap!
Back to the topic. okk .

The story is about yaa . the fish laa . yaa . the fish . alaa the fishhh . HAHA . Insane? Yaa. kinda ! Hyperactive this  morning =.= " weird! :p Lets make it simple. Piranha -> swimming pool -> DIE DIE DIE ! -> i become AFRAID to get in a POOL ! Seriously  . TRAGIC! Final destination 6! Over all, ok la the movie. rate ? 7/10 ? Sory DIRECTOR . It aint tragic enough ! ( Inside im dying to watch it ) HAHA.

Tips to go to a cinema . DO BRING UR STUDENT'S ID  .WORTHHH it! HAHAHA. from rm 12 -> rm 8.Rm 4? yeahh! i can buy a waffle n drinks.WORTH IT! HAHA. Well, Save ur money , save ur future. Is there any connections to this story? HAHA. crap!

Today ? Gonna go somewhere around KL. Yaww! next exam ! And yeah  .what am i doin here right now =.=" wake up MIRAAAA! huhu. Have to go back to hostel ASAP (smoke? neihhh! its mean AS SOON AS POSSIBLE) :)

Talkin bout watching Movie, I still remember the day ENCIKBOYFIE and me went to a cinema in KK together with my lil brotha . well . He ask me wanna watch what movie . Are u kidding me . Lets Watch LOVE story  . Do u expect me to say THAT ?yaii!HAHA . im not that kinda person. Maybe a little bit ( watching boys over flower -> TONESSSSSS of tissue bein wasted to wipe my tears) :DD Ok back to reality . I said That i wnat to watch A HORRORMOVIE!and he was like? (Ughh! is this my girlfriend or boyfriend) HAHAHA uhummmm! Al though im a girl .innocent face girl ( tangan didada mata keatas) yeahh. i love to watch those kind of movies . So, we watched FINAL DESTINATION 5. Guess what .who scared in the hall? ENCIKBOYFIE! like seriously . It became weird when all the tragic scenes happened.  and i ask"are u ok? " He just answered with those  kind of body posture SITTING STRAIGHT and answered me "yes " . Oh mymy . and i was just Smilling . (inside im LOL) :p
Sweet memory?yeah for me.maybe a TRAGIC MEMORY for ENCIKBOYFIE. Kannnn? :DD

Cartoon and humours movie also can be considered to be watched in a cinema . Cuz, i think watching a HORROR movie or THRILLER movie worth to watch it in a cinema. The SOUND SYSTEMS! Perghhh! Shack me off ! Scare me to heaven :p

Thats all peeps. Sayonara amigos. Assalamualaikum :)
Really? So fast haa =.=" Syukur! :)
Saturday, June 2, 2012 | 12:42 AM | 0 blackmail
Asslamualaikum & wazup? :D 

2nd june huh. waa. time do gone so fast. but the fast it can be, the more i LOIKEEEEEE! haha. why? this is because i cant wait to get back to my hometown LABUAN bebehhhh! jyeahhh!

Hmp! i dont feel so well right now. external exam ? oo yaa. its just around the corner. but yaa. im still here writing on my blog. haha. JUST NOW i study 1 of the subjects ; COSTING. damnn! i just feel like want to VOMITTT. u dont know wht is it . Muntahhh baaa. (ok im tripin like im the best in english. but the fact is im also learning from the bottom) :p so so so, i CLOSE my books n OPEN another book that is faceBOOK. its call book also right? hahaha.

blablablaa. nothing much to say. just read this below. how sweet! enjoy! :) 

ISTERI : abg ape kte mlm ni kte xpyh tdo sme2.. abg tdo lua, ayg tdo dlm blik
SUAMI : knpe syg..
ISTERI : ha.. ayg ade 1 prmainan, ayg catatkn smue kburukan abg sbyk mgkin dn abg pun catatkn tntg kburukan ayg sbyk mgkin!esok pg kte bace blik tntg ape yg kte dah tulis tu..
SUAMI : ok..

mlm tu si isteri senaraikan tntg kburukan suami die smpai xtdo.. suami die di ruang tamu pun x tdo...hgga ke pg wktu sarapan,,

ISTERI : ha, mcm mne, spe nk mulakn dlu???
SUAMI : ayg dlu mulakn..
ISTERI : ok abg dgr tau,

(sambil mngeluarkn 2,3 helai kertas yg dicatat nya mlm td)
ISTERI : abg x romentik... abg x pndai pujuk.. abg bla bla bla.. bla bla bla.. ok dah, skang abg plak..!
SUAMI : (die mngeluarkn 3,4 helai kertas yg kosong...)
abg mntak maaf... takde ape yg abg dpt senaraikn tntg kburukan ayg.. sbb abg trima ayg seadanya.. dan sgala kburukan ayg abg sentiasa maafkn.. dn abg mntak maaf klau abg xsempurna di mata ayg...

si isteri trgamam dn air mata jatuh brlinangan,,, terus die peluk dan mmohon ampun pd suami nya.. die mnyesal,, krna tlh mlukakan hati suami nye.. die juga sedar dan brsyukur.. bhawa suami nya adalah insan yg terbaik yg tlh dianugerah kn untuk nya..

see. how sweet. 

k laa. its time to put on my earphone n hear the music outloud! swaggg! :D

Assalamualaikum ;) bye2
Yang DINANTI2kannnn . weee! Pinkkk!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 | 2:24 AM | 0 blackmail
Haloo & Assalamualaikum .

uhuk2! waa . lamanya suda aku tidak buka blog ku. tengok. sampai terbatuk dah dengan habuk2nya . kikiki . konon laa . HEHEE

Well. APA KHABAR? me? FINE . . But, u know what. About last two weeks . aku suspek DENGGI. and i was like uh? really? ok. itu denggi. serius ok. mmng sakit la . kena ambil darah brapa kali.. kena gantung air. mmg SAKIT sangat!. Disebabkan tu, aku nekad mau SEMBUH. 2 botol hundred plus akau minum . hydration yg bagus. cuz badan aku kurang air. btw, tangan aku masi HIJAU BIRU sbb tu la kena cucuk2 tu.
salah cucuk ka tu? hmp! mau aku saman? hehee . Tapi alhamdulilah. skg ok sda. yeahhh! teda lagi berkurung dalam selimut. kipas slow2. JYEAHHH!

Waa! Elaun suda masuk ooo . loaded la SIKAJAP. haha . budak asrama mmng slalu tunggu2 ini ni kan. bet ya! Biasala tu. tambah2 lagi aku yg jauh ni. mmg perghhh! hehee. tp elaun pun blum bersentuh. pakai lu duit yg sdia ada. simpan ja tu elaun. t bru shop2. alamak! sory lect! tercakap suda. kikiki. PERKARA BIASA.
 elaun untuk shopping. kikikiki

Kami p pizza baa . dulu pizza kedai mamak ja. ala ROTI CANAI. kali ni PIZZA HUT! waa . bukan men . Ni some of the snap shot . plusss . Kami bawa aiskrim sendri ba p pizza . cuz mau mkn resepi sndri kan. AISKRIM+ CORNFLAKES. mmg Fav family aku makn mcmni. so, aku pun ajar la drg resepi ni. mmg sedappp!


haha, aku la ni. muka happy. sebab mau MAKAN! :D
 amoi2 acai2 pacik2 macik2 mali kita makan itu pizza :P
 nyummmm! :D
 model aiskrimmm :p
 ini dia kerabat labuan :D
 nampak sudu tu lari2? kelaparan tu dorang hahaha
 kami mmg campin. bawa aiskrim sndri. padahal NO OUTSIDE FOOD TU AA :DD
 waa! banyak rupanya kami makan time tu :DD
 aku makan sikit ja pizza time tu. cuz mkn byk sgt roti n sup :P
 ini aiskrim, saya kongker :P
 punya sadap! :DD

 muka2 kekenyangan :P
 apasal mata sepet> :D

sia suda KENYANGGGG! yg blakang tu SCHA ALYAHYA kata kawan ku. kembar kot. hahaha

ada ka anda perasan? kami suma pakai PINK! tema wajib tu. besa la. author ni minat pink. n gink2 pun minat pink, so, itu wajib! :D

k laa . mau tdo. harap2 ada line lagi la . t bole lagi update blog. tenx la ipb. skg baru kau mau ada line =.='' hahaha. k la . assalamualaikum. daaa!
Happy birthday to me :)
Friday, December 30, 2011 | 12:56 AM | 0 blackmail
Assalamualaikum n hye2 :)

Hari jadi saya? perghhh! mmng besttt! Hari sblum n slpasnya mmng best even smbutan yg gtu2 sja atau ala kadar la kata orgg. ngn fmily jaa :)

ok. present! blum ari jadi sda kna bgi present! mau tau apa? lihat iniiii :)

Samsung galaxy ace from mamy . tenx mum . love ya! :)


from my dearr awai. actually its not a present. this things he bought it while we're at kk. topi tuu bli kat kundasang. time melancong2 gtuu. trip2 pelancong la kunun. hahah padahal plcong sesat :D beg tuu? actually time tu aku jln2 then aku pegang beg tu n say ' eh cantik nya ' jalan ja trus sbb nmpk big apple d dpann haha. skali selak2 bju dekat padini saless tiba2 awai dtg n bagi beg tu. btw, tenx dear! luv u! malam ni jln g ma diaaa. smbut bday. cuz kmrin dia kejaa plus feeling unwell plus my datuk msuk icu :( pray for his good condition ya akong :') (akong-means datuk in hokkien)

Kaka aisah bakal kaka ipar aku. hahha. bagi aku duit! perghh! mmg syg kw la kak.

abg2 ku? blum lg. tapi aku akan minta smpi dapat! :)))))0

kaka fara? kaka ipar ku jwa! :D t blik kl ru dapat! :DD

dady blnja mkan ri tu d mawilaa. sbb tu aku pnya bday kna smbut awal cuz kaka fara mw blik kl sda. kmi smbut d mawila . then kmi p men bowling. penattt sda aku niii. hahah. tgk ja gmbr ni k ..... :)

happy bdayyy miraa hamiraa :)

they make up me with the creamss ;D

dearr suapp ayggg . cewahhh! :DD

oo. makeup ayg aa tadi. its time to revenge! :D

nahh! kan sama sda :D

nahh! lap balik jugaa. buat keja saja ;D

the sblingss n the bakal2 :D

with my adik angkat :)

my family n my dear :)

my lovelyyy familyy! :')

okayy! snapp everyone! :D

with kak aisah 50sen :D

kak fara c macii :D

mamyyy diva! :D

time awal2 :)

yekeannn :)

buaaa... Family poh :0)

my lovely parents! thanks mum n dad. i'll always love you just celine dion :)

thats all. byee. tnx 4 reading. btw, kaka fara, having fun with u at labuan and kk with my family is a precious moment. syg awk! :)
Singing Video of me n He's playing the guitar :)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 | 12:31 AM | 0 blackmail

Assalamualaikum n hye hye

This video was taken last month i think . FORGOT baa :D SORRY very2 sorry if my pronouncation is not that good enough and hard for u guys to understand. Well im not american im just malaysian. but im workin on it. cuz this is my FIRST vid singing english song with guitar. Who's playing the guitar? It's my dear awai. great isnt it? but he's too fast playing the guitar until i am so hard to breath even for a second :D daa. u are so cruel doing me like that :D later will be upload OUR singing vid together.
n yeaa. i know u hear im laughing in this vid. sorry again for SPOILS :)

BORN THIS WAY-lady gaga n me LADU GAGAK :D

do enjoyyy :)

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